Challengers Face by HR with Globalization

As per video clip, elaborate How is globalization impacting HR technology?
Video 1.0
challenges for organizations
Source: Willis Towers Watson Jul 2014
Video 1.0 Chris Keys, Americas Solution Leader for Towers Watson Group, percent the above video, about the challenges for organizations growing globally and how they can address concerns about language and cultural barriers. Chris further inspires each organization to consider what processes can be standard across the globe, and what needs to be exclusive for each region or country.

Global Human Resource the management framework is significantly wide, when its functions, compared to domestic Human Resources Management (Mello, 2014). Global Human Resource Management consists of activities, procedures, and practices of enticing, engaging and involving and keeping the employees that an organization needs to accomplish its goals (Chanda, et al. 2007) & (Briscoe, et al. 2012). Human Resource Management involves all the management decisions that affect the relationships between the employees and the organization, Global Human Resource Management means conducting these activities across countries, cultures and institutional contexts, bridging across environments, and operating in a worldwide context characterized by the rapid and discontinuous change called globalization. HRM in a global context must respond to a dynamic and complex set of factors (Thomas & Lazarova, 2014).

The globalization of individual corporations and capital markets over the past twenty years has modified the business landscape. Several corporations have swollen operations overseas, and even strictly domestic businesses face competition from abroad. To reply to world competition, the corporation’s area unit exploitation new technologies to supply higher, lower-cost solutions for his or her customers, this may result in a challenge for a unit of time to operate (Patrick, 2004). The roles, and responsibilities of the Human Resources department area unit reworking because the trendy business faces pressures of globalization. One in all the crucial activities for a unit of time managers is a unit of time coming up with. Concerning the unit of time functions of the twenty-first century, they need to be taken a brand-new dimension, once globalization. (Zorlu, 2009). Currently, organizations have to be compelled to place larger stress on attracting human capital instead of money capital. (ICASL, 2015). Following may be a discussion on some challenges being baby-faced by a unit of time that is known by reviewing texts.

Shortage of Talent can lead the achievement Challenge.
The shortage between the demand and provide of expert talent is probably going to still increase, notably for prime expert staff and for future generation can have a large insufficiency. The shortage of employees is foretold across globally most industries, together with producing, construction, transport, and communications, trade, hotel, restaurants, monetary services, IT, business services, health care, public administration, and education (Miller & Cardy, 2000). There is a lot of staff retiring than getting into labor even in developed countries. By 2020, for every five retiring staff, solely four new staff can be part of the labor in most developed countries (World Economic Forum, 2010). The hour of multinationals and native companies is passing through a tough time and troubled laborious to seek out appropriate gifted expert candidates (Miller & Cardy, 2000). The standard of individuals employed depends extremely on, however effective accomplishment ways, and designing. However, this method of accomplishment isn't continuously sailing swimmingly and is featured with several challenges because of the gap between expert and unskilled. (ICASL, 2015).

Availability of Low Cost Labor from Emerging Countries.
Global growth differs greatly between developed and developing countries. within the developed countries the USA, EU, and Japan, the present annual rate of growth is a smaller amount than zero.3 percent, whereas within the remainder of the globe, like Brazil, Russia, India, Bangladesh and China, the population is increasing nearly six-fold as quick (McKinsey world Institute, 2005- II). consistent with McKinsey world Institute, there are approximately 33 million potentials skilled and unskilled migrating from emerging markets to developed countries. This will be an enormous challenge for HR to identify the best fit with the correct cost. 

Managing Global Culture and language.
The higher than indicating that managers of cross-border groups ought to be ready with the understanding of the behavior within the work cultural or personal, therefore permitting them to manage their groups in an exceedingly additional acceptable, understanding to possess effective talent (Bakic-Miric,2012).
Hamori (2018) any, explains that organizations ought to increase their awareness of multi-cultural and inter-cultural factors to interline with worldwide work. operating in an exceeding world area unit wherever individuals are smitten by one another, the time unit create a trial to balance between their culture and also the culture of the society, they operate, to examine that the workers don't result due to the cultural variations (Pravin, 2010).
According to the McKinsey World Institute, solely thirteen to nineteen % of thirty-three million university graduates in developing countries aren't appropriate to figure in an exceedingly international company, thanks to their lack of language skills, the caliber of the tutorial system, and lack of a cultural match. time unit directors ought to take the challenge to progress the managers, to an international setting instead of proscribing their mindsets to domestic culture by enhancing language skills, ability to adapt to new cultures and developing smart qualities.

Technological breakthrough and Progress.
Globalization is created a doable historic period, reciprocally created dramatic changes to everyone's lifestyles. (Bakic-Miric,2012). Intra- and net, social media, computing, AI influencing heaps for the transformation of the globe (Thomas & Lazarova, 2014). Enterprise resource designing (ERP), knowledge warehouse, data mart, knowledge analytics, Windows package, code applications, Cloud computing, android, and apple in operating systems, the key technological transformation that created it terribly straightforward for individuals everywhere on the globe to figure along by ironing the enjoying pitch. It fashioned a world platform that allowed a lot of individuals to plug and play, collaborate and content, share data, and share work, on a scale seen before (ICASL, 2015) and (Friedman, 2005). Cloud computing and new advances in remote access, and support technologies conjointly appear to fuel globalization. Several facility jobs, like decision centers, animation, transcription, and code development may be distributed remotely. It's calculable that a hundred and sixty million jobs, or regarding eleven percent of the projected one.46 billion facility jobs worldwide can be distributed remotely (McKinley world Institute, 2005 - II).
In the final, and the technology adopted by an organization can harvest positive results provided that and once human resources are efficiently and effectively exploited. Clearly, the prime challenge before the unit of time managers lies in enhancing the abilities and competence of the individuals in a corporation so they're equipped to make sure the economical and productive utilization of the technology out there to them (Harshwardhan,2008).

Aitken Spence Hotel Management Oman Sector HR department, faced the above challenges when they plan the HR placement. Oman regulatory authorities have been implemented laws and regulations; recruitment should be balanced with the Omani employees with the emerging employees. The expectation gap between the Omani even with lack of language skills, lack of technology, low quality of education was not ready to accept the cross-border teams. The shortage between the demand and supply of skilled talent is likely to continue to increase, to overcome the problem HR department has to offer more financial package to Omanis to maintain the government expected ratios to recruit required expatriates. This lead to aggravate the financial gap between Omanis and the evolving expatriate, resulted in disputes between cross borders, slow progress of work and higher employee turnover. Aitken Spence realized that unless a technological breakthrough to replace manpower, the hotel operation will keep failing and investors will not get the expected return on investment. Learning from above theories by using further financial capital introduced cloud-based ERP solution which covered from Reservation to Guest departure, and most of the activities been managed by exciting skilled Colombo based staff through remote logging and keeping minimum operational staff at ground level. Aitken Spence HR adapted the existing Omanis training in ERP, and the recruit with technological skill and equipped to ensure the efficient and productive of the hotel operation. Harshwardhan, (2008) p.54 stated, “technology adopted by an organization will harvest positive results.” Finally, Aitken Spence was able to harvest positive results by adapting and recovering the return on investment by minimizing the cost.

In concluding the 21st century, HR has the handle many challenges like; technological change, conflict management, managing culture and language, multi-generational workforce, managing workforce diversity, globalization, striking work-life balance, progression planning is some out of many. The human resources need to focus on organizations' long-term objectives and on future-oriented plans, this will increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The global supply of talent is short of its long-term demand, and the gap is a challenge for employers everywhere, to cover HR should at least should be able to cover through the technological adaptation. HR professionals will contribute to this transition by taking some serious steps to fulfill the challenges of structural change; they'll serve to seek out ways that to live hour worth for the corporate. Last however not the least; they'll conduct significant analysis associated with technology, human resource and their performance in future organizations.


Briscoe, D., Schuler, R. & Tarique, I., (2012) International Human Resource Management Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises. 4th ed. New York, Taylor & Francis.
Bakic-Miric, N., (2012) An Integrated Approach to Intercultural Communication. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Chanda, A., Krishna, B. S. & Shen, J., (2007) Strategic Human Resource Technologies & Keys to Managing People. New Delhi, SAGE Publications India.
Friedman T.L. (2004) The World is Flat New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Hamori, M., (2018) CAN MOOCs SOLVE YOUR TRAINING PROBLEM? Harvard Business Review, Issue January-February-2018, pp. 70-76.
Harshwardhan. (2008). Challenges & Opportunities in HRM. Journal of Marketing & Communication, 4(2), p.41
Institute of Chartered Accountant of Sri Lanka (ICASL), (2015). Globalization and HR, ICASL,1528, pp 45-56.
McKinley,(2005) Global Institute, The Emerging Global Labor Market: Part II - The Supply of Offshore Talent in Services, Global Institute, 148, p.21.
Mello, J., (2014) Strategic Human Resource Management. Belmont, Cengage Learning.
Miller, J.S & Cardy, R.L (2000). Technology and Managing People: keeping the Human in the Human Resources. Journal of Labor Research 21, pp. 447- 461.
Patrick M., (2004). Adapting to the Age of globalization. 4th ed. New Delhi, Test Publications in India.
Pravin, D., (2010) Human Resource Management. Chennai, Dorling Kindersley.
Thomas, D. C. & Lazarova, M., (2014) Essential of Internal Human Resource Management. California: Sage Publications Inc..
World Economic Forum (2010) Stimulating Economies through Fostering Talent Mobility.
Zorlu S. (2009) Managing human resources in the 21st century. Zorlu senyucel & ventus publishing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Through out this article we can clearly get an idea on how globalization become a challenge to modern HR practices, Globalization in a sense technological, cross cultural, language ,geographical and legal factors are largely create an impact on HR activities, specially in this rapid change world according to the changes on technology and life style of the people,expatriation and repatriation became crucial when managing cross cultural workforce.(Thomas & Lazarova, 2014), and I do agree with the statement of Harshwardhan, (2008) p.54 stated, “technology adopted by an organization will harvest positive results.”

    1. Yes, with out harvest positive results HR has to handle many challenges like; technological change, conflict management, managing culture and language, multi-generational workforce, managing workforce diversity, globalization, striking work-life balance, progression planning is some out of many, by managing above criteria adapting towards globalization will be easy for the organization (Harshwardhan,2008).

  3. Hi Sinan, it is indeed true that If local labor laws or practices do conflict with the organization’s policies, HR “needs to be the voice of the individual and ensure that the company maintains its integrity, even when this goes against the potential economic value". In addition, it’s up to HR to help employees adapt when they move from a head office to regions with different societal and cultural norms, as well as to identify talent in new markets and geographic locations.(Wilkie, 2015).

    1. As you stated above in relation to adaption, I would like to add further more as a result of globalization when people move from one location to other they have to adapt to the different societal and cultural norms,such as language, law, food, clothing, systems, rules & regulation. Failing for adaption will not be able to remain in imagining market (Bakic-Miric,2012).

  4. To accomplish organizational goals in the globalization context Human Resource Management need to take new approaches which utilize the knowledge and enhance capabilities to an effective level where it can address the diverse issues (Wong and Snell, 2003). One of the key element for the success of the global operation for an organization is how effectively the human resource managed (Scullion and Starkey, 2000)

    1. Yes Nirmal, As you stated "globalization context Human Resource Management need to take new approaches which utilize the knowledge and enhance capabilities". Brazil, Russia, India, Bangladesh ,China, Philippines & Sir Lanka employees migrating to find jobs in various parts in the glob, to meet the demand Human Resource Management need training them in global language, cultures, technologies & markets to have key success in globalization (Thomas & Lazarova, 2014).


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