Importance of Training and Development for organization

Human resource management always focus on key areas of human capital management, strategic management, knowledge management, corporate social responsibility, organizational resource development, training and development, performance and reward management and employee relations (Armstrong, &Taylor, 2014). Employees are a company’s biggest asset, and investing in talent is vital to sustainable business growth and success, but people in an organization is considered as a complex management competency (Armstrong, Taylor, 2014). As stated above in addition to being a core function of human resource management, training and development is also the subsystem of an organization and training and development is the most important for workplace effectiveness (Afsheen & Sidra, 2017).
Training and development is the field that thinks about organizational activity geared toward bettering the performance of people and teams in an organizational setting (Graham, & Tierney, 2003). Training is giving to the employee for the particular purpose and task, training is giving for the short period, it's an act to extend the abilities and knowledge of the employee for the desired purpose or task (Afsheen & Sidra, 2017). As per Afsheen & Sidra, (2017) development could be a program of various mixtures of training, development is meant to enhance the standard, and performance of present managers and provide growth for this similarly as future requirements and need. As we all know that training and development check with the method to get or transfer KSA (knowledge, skills, and abilities) required to hold out a selected activity or task; therefore, advantages of training and development each for employer and employees are strategic in nature, and hence a lot of broader (Abdus 2011). For many organizations, the modern approach has been to embrace corporate training and understand its importance. For many, training is nothing, however, an efficient retention cost and not a new cost. In varied industries, the training systems guarantee a wiser workforce and guarantees your best results possible. (Sultana,2013).  
 Video 1.0
Make your L&D a true business partner

Source: from Linkedin
As per the above Video 01 Dr. Britt Andreatta, the consultant express that there is completely nothing additional crucial to the success of your organization than however you facilitate people to learn. Learning is that the vehicle by that your the organization gains a competitive edge, attracts and retains the most effective talent and your leaders grow to with success lead your organization through opportunities and challenges. whether or not you are simply beginning to provide learning and development or have a well-established and multi-layered the program, you will gain some valuable information and strategies for serving to your organization and your people rise to their potential. By serving as a real business partner to your organization, you can facilitate your leaders to accomplish each current and future strategic goals. so let's get started and find out however you can build an outstanding learning and development program for your organization.
Now a day in the global environment training and development becomes very important as compared to the earlier time (Afsheen & Sidra, 2017). The term training becomes popular in several organizations, to obtain new skills and knowledge and become more effective and productive for the organization (Graham, & Tierney, 2003). Training plays a positive role in the success of the organization, it this rapid changing work the need for training and development becomes very essential for the effectiveness and efficiency of both the workplace and the employee (Abdus 2011). Training becomes the opportunity to all the employees for increasing the knowledge and the main drive of training is to enhancement the organization to attain its short and long term aims by adding worth to its human capital (Afsheen & Sidra, 2017). 
According to Vinesh, (2014) Importance of Training and Development in Organizational Development illustrated as training and career development are very important in any company or organization that aims at progressing. This includes deciding, thinking creatively and managing individuals. training and development are so vital because: -
  • Help in addressing employee weaknesses.
  • Improvement in employee performance.
  • Consistency in duty performance.
  • Ensuring employee satisfaction.
  • Increased productivity.
  • Improved quality of service and merchandise.
  • Reduced cost.
  • Reduction in direction.
Further Abdus, (2011) citing that while the most objective of training in organizations has always been to produce willing and delicate employees to numerous groups, there are four alternative objectives one has got to check out during this regard,
  • Organizational objectives: facilitate bring individual effectiveness to make sure organizations meet their primary goals.
  • Individual objectives: alter staff to urge their personal goals achieved. This, in turn, will facilitate the individual to contribute higher to the organization.
  • Societal objectives: Makes certain the organization is socially and ethically able to meet the challenges and desires of society.
  • Functional objective: Maintain the contribution of the department to grade that is by the needs of the organization.
When considering the above four objectives and came upon the training and development desires following outcomes can produce as major objectives in training and development for the advantage of the organization (Vinesh, 2014).
  • Optimizing the use of human resources.
  • Increasing the productivity of the employees.
  • Making a far better company image.
  • Increasing the sense of cooperation, harmony, and inter-team collaborations.
  • Rising the health and safety of the organization.
About Training and Development, interview conducted with Aitken Spence Hotel Management (ASHM), Mr. Lasath Panditha Koralagai V.P Human Recourses and Development believes that, a top benefit for driving employee development is to shape a more efficient, competitive, and engaged workforce. He further stated that companies that have actively interested and dedicated employees can see 41% lower absenteeism rates, and 17% higher productivity. As he stated, here are reasons why employee training and development is important,
Positive worker retention
According to Mr. L. P. Koralagai, hiring, and retention will become a significant challenge to employers, however, this may be avoided through career development. training programs that are why they become centralized among ASHM, which used as a competitive advantage when hiring. providing programs within employment contracts, ASHM establishes an employee’s sense of value within the corporate, and fosters loyalty and ultimately employee retention.
Training future leaders
Targeting skills and staff for future leadership can facilitate establish ASHM for growth and change. acquiring leadership talent will begin from the initial acquisition, or Human Resource professionals will choose the current staff as managerial candidates. Having established leadership development programs ensures that a company is usually considering future organizational goals by getting ready promotable talent.
Employee empowerment
Leaders who feel empowered among the ASHM will be more effective at influencing staff and gaining their trust. Consequently, those employees can feel a larger sense of autonomy, value, and confidence in their work development.
Increase workplace engagement
As per him, dissatisfaction within the workplace will produce feelings of discontentment and negative operating habits. Regular development initiatives will stop workplace idleness. Having frequent training programs also will establish regular re-evaluation of staff, skills, and processes. training and development will influence company culture by ingraining stress on planning.

He further elaborated that, training and development will prompt company analysis and human resource planning; it needs employers to review existing talent and value growth and development opportunities internally, rather than via achievement. Assessing these skills and talents at intervals the team will alter managers to strategically created targeted development programs that contemplate any potential skills gap. Also, organizations have to be compelled to think about the rise of digital and online learning in talent development. As per Mr. L. P. Koralagai, 58% of staff like opportunities that let learning at their own pace, that 42% like better to learn once the purpose of need happens. making accessible, freelance online learning the most appropriate for an increasingly diverse and creating multi-generational workforce is the key plan of the ASHM.
Regardless of whether a company has existing and functioning training programs, the development will not be effective if the work atmosphere doesn't accommodate learning. Organizations got to support a culture of constant development, and also internal business systems need to mirror the concept. Companies and employees additionally got to be committed to change, and in this sense, committed to addressing issues, and also the relevant training ought to offer the answer inside an affordable period. Several companies not meeting the employee demands with relevance training and development, and ultimately the gaps found within the required skills vis-a-vis attained skills have become so wide that inter-relationships of training and performance are badly disturbed. There's still a giant gap between the knowledge and skills imparted and acquired within the establishments, and its applications as seen within the industrial environments. Because of this gap, companies now feel there ought to be a close liaison between such establishments, and also the trade-in order that employee development programs are created additional purpose-oriented. There are training establishments that provide customized as well as off-the-rack programs that supported their client’s business operations. However yet, there is a lot to be improved. Therefore, training and development can't be disconnected from the business activities of the organizations; on the contrary, this is the area that clearly illustrates positive relationships between training activities and organizational performance. Particularly, it is recognized that an efficient training and development policy is vital to consider addressing inequalities in employment about race, gender, and disabilities. It's suggested that the organization's produce a training and development plan, the aim of that shall be to empower all employees to hold out their roles to the best standards and deliver high-quality services to customary. In these guidelines, training and development are broadly outlined as those activities geared toward raising the standards of an employee practice and therefore lifting the standard of the employees, and increase the efficiency of the organization and increase the relationship between the employees with the organization.

Abdus S. N.( 2011.) Training and Development Strategy and Its Role in Organizational Performance. Administration and Governance 1 (2) pp. 42-45
Afsheen M., & Sidra S., (2017) IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE WORKPLACE.  International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 8 (4), pp 498-504.
Armstrong, M, and Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. 13th ed. London [U.K] Kogan.
Graham, K. & Tierney, J. (2003). Improving teacher education through human resource development at ITEK. Midterm review for Nuffield Foundation.
Sultana, M. (2013). Impact of Training in Pharmaceutical Industry. International Journal of Science and Research (Ijser), 576-587.
Vinesh (2014). Role of Training & Development in an organizational Development. International Journal of Management and International Business Studies. 4 (2) pp. 213-220


  1. I do agree with what this article states, saying training and development makes employees raise their standard and also the organiztion to increase the relationship with the employees. This has been stated by Armstrong (2014) saying learning and development strategies and practices, as described in this part, aim to ensure that people in the organization acquire and develop the knowledge, skills and competencies they need to carry out their work effectively and advance their careers to their own benefits and that of the organisation.

    1. By training and development as you stated advance the career which will helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organisation further to achieve its long-term goal. ... It helps in creating a learning culture within an organisation. As you stated finally training will bring employee the own benefits.

  2. Although the topic is mundane but if focused in a comprehensive manner it can be one of the special subject which every organization should focus to bring excellence and achieve its objectives.

    As Sahu (2005) rightly say that often some confusion arises in using the terms training and development. Many people see both as synonymous but many people differentiate between the two. The efficiency of an organization depends directly on the capability and talent of its personnel, and how motivated they are. Capability of a person depends on his ability to work and the type of training & development he receives.

    1. Yes Shiyamila,"The efficiency of an organization depends directly on the capability and talent of its personnel, and how motivated they are" I do agree with your comment. capability refers to the ability to do something & ability refers to possession of the means or skill to do something by having training & development ability & capability both will enhance through learning (Vinesh, 2014).

  3. Organisations required highly skilled and knowledgeable employees not only for its daily operation but also to survive and gain a competitive advantage over other organisations in the business competition (DeCenzo et al, 2010). As you have pointed out the learning is the key to improve an organizations' competitive advantage. Organizations need to facilitate their employee's learnings and increase competencies that required to perform the work (Armstrong, 2014)

    1. Yes Nirmal, I do agree on facilitate their employee's learning and increase competencies that required to perform the work to obtain competitive advantage. As I indicate in my above article competitive advantage can be enhance through career development, training programs, new skills and knowledge and become more effective and productive for the organization (Graham, & Tierney, 2003)

  4. Training programs are one of the most important human resource activity that helps improving employees’ competence and organize performance as a goal to improve on the employees’ capacity and performance. As explained by Engetou (2017), training programs are differ with the organization. Thus it is the responsibility of HR department to decide the required training for each individuals to improve their competency. Training is essential with the advance technology to improve employee skills and knowledge.

    1. As you stated do agree that advance technology to improve employee skills and knowledge but as cited in Delgado ( 2018) As automation software, robotics, and other forms of new technology disrupt workplaces, workers are worried about their future career prospects. Businesses that introduce new technology can dispel fears and improve morale by providing professional development opportunities and training.

  5. yes sinan, according to the content you have written from the organization itself need to implement proper T&D practices. Addition to the same, according to Rebecca (2019) most of the organizations are now converting into learning organizations with continuous learning and employee led learning culture developments have been the new trends. further she explains that micro learnings and peer to peer learning is more encourage with the development of the technology. In my opinion, I believe it would be much effective in future because people will use to learn and develop tthem by their own selves

    1. I do agree with you, but note that leaning and development is one and training and development is a other, but all these three concepts go hand in hand, As stated by Vinesh, (2014) to have quick development in employee training is much important will prompt company analysis and human resource planning.

  6. Agree on you Sinan. Training focuses on doing actions today to build up employees for their present jobs and development is preparing employees for upcoming roles and responsibilities. It carry out a study that the objective of training and development is to innovative learning organizations which make sure that workers through value addition can efficiently perform their jobs, increase competitive advantage and look for self growth: this quantifiable performance ensuing from good training and development, shall improve organization growth (Vinesh, 2014).

    1. With the training employer to harvest the result for upcoming roles and responsibilities positive worker retention is much more important. to achieve that most of the companies singes off bonds with the employees (Afsheen & Sidra, 2017).

  7. True fact, Organizational development is recognized regularly as an agreement when certain objectives of an organization are not met through the use of its current forms. Once a problem has been recognized, the organization will regularly seek the support of others to help plan and update the alter program (French & Chime, 1999).

    1. Yes, but I do like to act on training before the problem been encountered. A successful manager will avoid this by choosing and developing the courses that are most useful, not only for the organization as a whole but also for each individual learner by this before problem happen training can be provided Andriotis (ND).

  8. Wonderful blog! Employee engagement is very important for the growth of the company or organization. Corporates are always looking for the employee engagement company in India, to help them in engaging their employees in various fun team-building, employee engagement activities


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